Tag Archive | Blogger Girl’s BOM

It’s called “Schnibbling”

I’m so excited to work on my first AYOS Schnibble project.  I received my layer cake of Lario (a new 3 Sisters collection by Moda) on Thursday.  Green Fairy has great online deals quite often (and if you come across them – they also do bids on eBay which can land you even better opportunities), and no shipping charge anymore (eBay purchases do have shipping)!  You should see my collection of green pens (you get one free in your order).  Can you say ‘office supply store’?

Here’s my progress on the first Schnibble of 2013 … Hat Trick by Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie’s Quilt Company.  For more information on joining AYOS (Another Year of Schnibbles) – just click on the blog button in the right side bar, and it will take you to one of the hostesses of the progam – Ms. Sinta of Pink Pincushion.

I’m having fun pairing up the color options and even doing a little ‘controlled scrappy’ approach to the 9 patch units.  The instructions even suggest to go with the individual 2 inch square construction instead of strip piecing these blocks.  I’m getting great practice at both perfecting my 1/4″ seam allowance and using my seam ripper.  Then I discovered that ‘someone’ had slightly moved my needle position knob on the sewing machine.  That could make a difference – right?


A little closeup:


And a few complete 9 patches on the design wall, along with my 8 Blogger Girls BOM blocks:


Today, the family is getting ready to go out to the Houston Pet Expo this morning and peruse the exhibits and animals up for adoption.  Never been before.  I have my eye on two kittens that will be available for adoption soon, and they will be at the Expo today with their sweet rescue group, … Dori’s Darlings.  It’s been over four years since my last furbaby passed away and I have missed the company of a quiet, cuddle partner.  Let me emphasize quiet.

But – what’s this?  Another project waiting it’s turn?  … more to come…


Have a beautiful weekend!  Thanks for stopping by!


Two Birds with Two Blocks

Short and sweet update today.  I have the auditors in the office for our annual reviews.  Lots of paper shuffling and printing, excel spreadsheets, reconciliations, etc…  Fun by all!

It is the beginning of another month, which means another Blogger Girls BOM block has been released!  I finished up the second, alternate layout, block last night so I can both share my results with you and link up to Pink Pincushion’s BOM Rehab (a day late).

Here’s the main layout of Block #4 for Blogger Girls BOM.  That gray ‘background’ is actually my sidewalk.  I am trying to get the best light for these pictures.:



Here’s the same pattern for this block, but in an alternate fabric layout.  You will also note that each month I do one in a red/green colorway and one in a red/blue colorway.  Now that I have 8 blocks on my design wall, I can see that they are going to look great together in the end!



Here are the two blocks, side by side.  I just love French General reds!:



So – knock down Blogger Girl BOM for April and another week of BOM Rehab with the same two blocks!  Efficient.

On the LOST front … I just finished Season 2 last night and watched the first episode of Season 3.  Can you believe what Michael did?  I did NOT see that coming.  I’m on the edge of my office chair now, waiting for my lunch break so I can get in another episode.

Have a fantastic week and thanks for stopping by!


BOM Rehab and a new Blogger Girls Block

Happy Monday!

So glad that BOM Rehab coincided with a new release for the Blogger Girls BOM pattern.  The third block in the series was available Friday, and I was done with both versions by Saturday night.  I have even tackled my fear of Flickr and uploaded my pictures into the Blogger Girl’s group for all to see!

This was a neat block…  I didn’t much like how my first one ended up.  Not enough variation in scale of prints I think.  But it will mix in overall, so I’m leaving it.  I love my alternate block setting and fabric selections.  I went with a layout that I saw from Lisa of Stashmaster blog fame.  She highlighted the churn dash design in the center, which I did as well.

Here’s the primary layout:

BG BOM Block 3

BG BOM Block 3

And here’s the alternate layout for the same block pattern:

BG Block 3 Alt

BG Block 3 Alt

I came across some random stash yardage of La Petite Ecole by French General and used the red floral from it to frame the outside square-in-a-square and the churn dash blue fabric.  It mixed in really well.  I’ve pull some other items from that group to consider on the next blocks too.  The rest of the fabric is still from the La Belle Fleur collection that just came out.

Here are all six of my blocks completed:

BG BOM Blocks 1 - 3

BG BOM Blocks 1 – 3

Not bad for a BOM Rehab finish!

Here’s a sneak peak at something else I worked on yesterday.  I’ll reveal it more later this week… 🙂

Avalon Blue Basket

Avalon Blue Basket

Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by!


A new love starting to kindle…

Hello Thursday!  So glad you could make it again this week.  And thankful that you are already half-way over!

Wrapping up a lunch hour in front of my computer, trying my best to stay awake after a very long week at work.

I didn’t help myself much last night with a very late finish to the Blogger Girls BOM – Block 2 alternate block.  But I got it done!

Here’s the new block in the alternate colorway:

BG Block 2 Alt

I’m STILL cutting off a lot of those outside points !@#$!@$.  I’m going to have to figure that out before I do the next set.

Here’s the two blocks together for month two:

BG Block 2 Both

And, here are all four blocks done!  I’m actually caught up on this BOM!

BG Four Blocks

I’m using the French General fabric collection, La Belle Fleur.  The next free block pattern gets released on March 1 from Monique at Open Gate Quilts.  You can visit her blog and join in anytime.  Two blocks a month for six months.  Or just do six.  Or whatever you want – I’m not your mother.  🙂

But, to comment more on my blog header for today … I have been considering doing a quilt pattern by Kim Diehl for some time.  I love the ‘just enough folksy’ aspect of her designs.  I wouldn’t want too many really dark quilts (she uses a lot of rich, dark fabrics) – but, I could use at least one in my WIP (lol).  So… although I had browsed her books and internet pictures and such, I had not taken the plunge.  I came across this pattern yesterday in the latest Fons & Porter magazing (March/April 2013). 

Disclaimer:  I don’t know if it is illegal to show these pictures, but since I can count on my two hands the number of people who actually visit my blog – I thought I would take the chance.  Worst thing that could happen is someone will be inspired to buy a copy of the magazine.  Right?

The pattern is called “Sprigs & Twigs”:

FP Mag KD Pattern

Here’s a closeup of that picture on the right:

FP Mag KD Closeup

I LOVE those nine patch blocks that are made into the center of the four corner flowers.  And the bias stripe fabric for the stems and vines are adorable.  I felt myself getting so totally excited about this quilt.  I haven’t stopped thinking about it, so I figured it is in my future.  I have enough reproduction fabrics to make the center part, but I didn’t have anything really to be used for the black border.  Took care of that this morning with a quick order to FQS!  I have two fabrics selected from the Kansas Troubles Favorites collection.  I’ll decide which one works better on the scale of the print once I see them in person and audition them with my other fabrics.

Either this one:

Or this one:

I think I favor the top one, with the little daisies… but it may be too busy – or it may be perfect!  I’m not sure yet.  I’ll keep you posted.

I hope you find something that lights your fire today!  All the best!


I want to do what I want to do!

My headline is a quote taken from my 6 year old son.  I can emphasize completely, but as we grow older, we learn to compromise on our desires and our obligations.  He hasn’t mastered this yet, and honestly isn’t really trying either.  But, who can blame him.  Life is short and then you die.  No really, I do parent better than that – but it is a good transition into my post for today!

I came across this blog entry yesterday that captured the essence wonderfully.  Take a read if you have a chance.  It is from a blog called Quilting Daze.  I was either laughing out loud or shaking my head in agreement while I read it.


So, this leads me to my activities for today.  I jumped at the chance to get a jelly roll and charm pack of the newest collection from Fig Tree Quilts called AVALON.  It won’t be in stores (and when I say stores, I generally mean The Fat Quarter Shop) until March 2013.  However, I usually find the precuts showing up on eBay well before then.  I didn’t want to just sit on my new treasure too long.  I really, really wanted to do a quick jelly roll quilt and see something produced from these fresh colors immediately.  Some instant gratification!

I looked online and through my patterns at home, and decided on a quilt setting from this book:

Jelly Roll Quilts Book

Got it at a great price during a Joann sale – 40% off this week!

I picked a flower block that is assembled much like a log cabin block from the book and started cutting and sewing…

Avalon Cuttings

Most of these strips are combined with a white/background square on one end and then trimmed corner to corner.  I recently watched a Fons & Porter Love of Quilting episode where they shared tips on stitching these little leftovers and made a little doll blanket out of them.  So I thought I would try to make use of my scrap corners too!

Scrap Recycling

Starting from the top right corner and moving clockwise… I had the strips sewn, trimmed the corners off, kept the fabric together and ran them through the machine, then pressed to the printed fabric and trimmed them down to 1 3/4 ” square.  Notice what my leftovers look like now.  Barely enough threads in that pile to even save for my stuffing bag.

A great tool I used for this was the Fit to be Quarter 2.5 ruler from Open Gate Quilts.  I got it with my purchase of another ruler from their site for the Blogger Girls BOM project.  It worked GREAT for this task.

Fit to be Quarter 2.5

Here is what I did with my little half square triangle units!

Avalon Pinwheels

Aren’t they ADORABLE?  They are 3″ square, unfinished.  And I LOVE this fabric – did I say that already?

Here is my initial block, which took a bit of a back seat to my pinwheel project – so I only have one made so far:

Avalon Block

These will be set on point and I will use all but 4 strips from my jelly roll and I had all but 1 yard of background fabric in my stash for it already.  I’m using Bella Porcelain solid as the background.

I’ll finish up today with a look at my design wall as of this morning.  I even added a couple more leaves to my AFH tree!

Design Wall 01-29-2013

I definitely did what I wanted to do for sure this past weekend.  I hope to continue that this week, because I’m loving my new project.  Also, can’t wait for the next block from the Blogger Girls BOM to be released on Friday!

Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!


Number crunching done, let the Fabric Fly!

For the past two and a half years, there has been one Wednesday every month which ALWAYS feels like a Friday.  I know it’s coming, I plan for it, my job is scheduled around it, so it’s no surprise.  But when it comes – I know that for at least a few seconds I will think it is Friday.  That Wednesday is today.  I have finished closing the accounts for another month and submitted it to the higher authorities.  I am an accounting manager by day and a mother, wife and quilter by night/weekends/lunch breaks.  I truly love working with numbers and it does fit me perfectly, but the sense of relief to get through the close is always a good cause for celebration.  So,… I will treat myself to extra quilting time tonight!

I have stuck with my goal so far this year to do some quilting every day.  Last night, I finished up my alternate Block 1 for the Blogger Girls BOM.  My husband graciously snapped a picture for me from home this morning since I forgot to take one last night.  What do you think?

BG BOM Blocks1

 My husband said … “Those don’t go together, do they?”  The blue and greens are throwing him off.  I’ll have to evaluate how they mix together as I go along.  Perhaps it will end up being a reversible quilt?  I actually think they look good and I’m sure they will be fine altogether in the quilt top.  Reminder… these two blocks are made from the same pattern, just different fabrics.  The idea is to mix them all in the same quilt so it appears that you have all unique blocks.  Done!

Tonight…  I work on Block #3 of my Away from Home BOM, which are two panels that will be all applique.  Two oak trees with lots of leaves.  I kind of miss my applique time – so really looking forward to it!

I have to go now and show my CEO what pretty numbers I have made this month!

All the best,


It’s not one thing … it’s another!

Short post today.

Good news for quilting – I got my first block sewn together yesterday for Blogger Girls BOM.  Here is it on my design wall.  Ignore the background fabric beside it – goes to something else…  Picture is blurry, sorry.  Points came out great.  First time using the Fit to Be Geese ruler by Open Gate Quilts.  It worked just as promised and there’s less waste to this method than my rectangle with two squares method.  Perfect points and seam allowances.  However, it looks like I will be cutting off some of the points when I add it into sashing – when I trimmed it down to 12 1/2 inches, it took away more allowance than I would have wanted.   Don’t look too closely I guess.

BG Block 1 Done

I’m trying to close out December and the year today and tomorrow at work, so late nights.  However – after joining hundreds of other germ factories at the local Children’s Museum this weekend – my daughter caught a bug and ran a fever with sore throat last night.  She’s still asleep this morning (at 10:30 am).  Husband just sent a text message that son is also having odd symptoms.  SO… if it isn’t one thing, it will always be another.  Got to go and try to speed through my work, so I can go do some good cuddle time with the babies.


Blogger Girl’s Alternate Block 1 – mostly cut

It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you are removed from your home and don’t have all the normal distractions like cable TV with Netflix and pay-per-view, along with a handy washer/dryer and a couple of thousand square feet to (think about) cleaning.  I moved on to the Alternate Block 1 for Blogger Girl’s BOM.  After selecting the fabrics which I thought would make a significant difference in the resulting block, I cut back into new fat 8th pieces.  Turns out, I was just shy of being able to get my main background pieces out of what I had leftover from my first block.  This will drive me nuts, especially since I can’t buy yardage in this collection until later this month.  I just need a few more 3 inch blocks!!  Dang it!

Well, here’s the dry fit layout.  Of course, until I do sew some of these pieces together, I can’t really demonstrate how awesome it is :).  Try to imagine!  And the colors in this picture are pretty bad since I’m working at night, under flourescent overhead lights.

BG Alternate Block 1 Dry Fit

BG Alternate Block 1 Dry Fit

And here’s the original Block 1 again:

BG Block 1 Dry Fit

BG Block 1 Dry Fit

They will look decidedly different when they are all done and the colors are so much more wonderful that you can see in these pics.

Home news update – they now tell us that we can come back after Monday.  Still disinfecting everything, etc…  Demolition appears to be done.  Not sure when the building will start.  Most of the floor is removed down to the lowest layer, which looks like some kind of tar paper was used for adhesive?  The house is really, really old – so who knows what they are cleaning up now.

Have a wonderful, quilt filled weekend!


Dry Fit and Ready to get HOME!

I have stopped short of bringing my machine to the hotel room, but I did collect a few rulers, my mat, rotary cutter, sewing scissors, pencil and newly arrived box from FQS last night.  Inside the box was my Fat 8th bundle of La Belle Fleur.  I normally perch my new bundles on my cutting table and stare at them for a few weeks at least … but I don’t have time for that nonsense now.  This is probably the hardest part:

Moda Tape LaBelleFleur

Taking off that perfectly tied and pressed twill tape from MODA.  **sigh**  However, that almost ensures I will get started on this project and make it to the end.  I have a tough time cutting into my new fabric – but I have jumped that hurdle already.

Since I don’t have my machine with me, I at least cut out the pieces needed for the first block of the Blogger Girl’s BOM.  I still need to cut the pieces for the alternate block (same pattern, different fabrics/values in the positions).  Will plan to do that tonight.  Here’s my first block – dry fit for display:

BG Block 1 Dry Fit

I LOVE the French General colors!  And this collection has the perfect background fabric for the project.  I will need to order about 4 more yards of it to cover all the blocks and sashing, so I partially decided on this collection because of this background.  The only thing I might, MIGHT, add is some fabric that has black in it.  It would really add some interest I think. We’ll see.  Maybe in the corner stones of the sashing units.  I can probably find a French General fabric that would fit that bill.

Here are the fabric selections I haven’t used yet.

Fat 8 Spread LaBelleFleur

Definitely pulling in some of those blues into this next block.  Maybe every block will have red, and alternatively switch between green and blue.  I’ll try a few and see how they mesh together.

Hopeful that we will be moved back home tomorrow.  They tore up the kitchen floor today, finishing up the demo.  Although I would rather wait until I can cook at home before we go back – I’m getting really homesick…

Have a great Thursday!!
